Monday, December 20, 2004

What a weekend!

Hey everyone! We had a great weekend here in Delaware. Friday afternoon I rode around the area with Jim Warwick from the church. We went to look at the possibility of renting a school for our Sunday services. We had a good time visiting together, but, more importantly, we think we have a good shot at renting Olive B. Loss Elementary School. The school is still north of the C-D Canal, but it gives us the space that we need to grow. The cafe-gym-torium will seat about 500 people. It also has a partition to make the room smaller for now. A couple of the men are going tomorrow to meet with the principal who said she was more than willing to sign the necessary papers for us. WOW!!! How exciting!

Saturday we attended the surprise 70th birthday party for one of our church members. It was nice to be invited to that and also visit once again with church folks. Saturday was also the day that Riley decided to take a nose-dive down a flight of stairs at the house. I was all set to give him a 10, but he didn't stick the landing and ended up with a mark on his eye and a little "shiner".

Yesterday was good at church. The kids did a great job with the Christmas program. Isaac was a wise man and said his line perfectly, "We are following the yonder star!" We were so proud......until he started picking his nose in front of everyone. I guess, like father-like son, huh? We had our open house last night and had both church people and neighbors come. It was really good to get to know some of our neighbors better.

Already this morning (Monday), I ventured out to the hospital to visit with a gentleman, only to find out he'd already been discharged. I wouldn't have a problem with that, except that the wind chill is below zero today!!! I then made my way to Family Christian Bookstore where I got part of Susan's Christmas present and invited people to church. It's really cool to be able to do that. Inviting them to an exciting, growing church. They seemed very receptive too.

Also enjoyed watching the Colts game last night. I actually called a local sports talk radio show that was "bashing" the Colts, saying that the Ravens were going to not only hold Peyton in check, but also win the game. Do I hear repeat caller this afternoon???? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


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