Merry CHRISTmas!!
Christmas is finally here! Although not as busy in years past at this time, we are still quite tired. I think the emotional exhaustion is causing some physical exhaustion. Although, Riley's sleeping patterns aren't helping the physical part either.
Just some quick news. It looks like Northeast will be moving to Olive B. Loss Elementary School!!! Possibly as early as January 15th. WOW!! We are estimating that the expense will be just a bit greater than where we are now, but the space is sooooo much greater. The cafe-gym-torium will seat about 500, my guess. It is in the middle of a subdivision of around 1400 homes. What a great opportunity God has given us!
Back to Christmas now!!! Isaac and Riley are so excited about Christmas this year. They are looking forward to tearing into their gifts! And then, of course, leaving the gifts in the middle of the floor to watch TV probably. We are all excited about seeing my parents in Roanoke the first part of next week too. The boys have been so excited about getting to talk to Nana and Poppa and Mamaw and Papaw. They ask about calling frequently.
Please pray for our friends Gary and Renee Boschain. They are expecting their first child, a boy, any day now. We are excited for them and wish that we had more time to visit with them and share in this exciting time. Pray for the safe arrival of Baby B and for the health of Renee and the baby. I'm also sure that Gary could use some prayers as an anxious soon-to-be father too.
We love you all and wish you the very best Christmas of all!!
Hey all!! It is about time that you got a blog!! LOL!! I miss you all and hope that you are enjoying your holidays!! I hope to hear from you soon!! I love you all!! --Ash
9:21 AM
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