Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I know I need to update this thing more often than I do. Maybe I need to do it for therapy. Maybe I need to do it to actually communicate with people. I'm not sure why. But for some reason I feel as though I should update more. Not that there's a lot to update people on.

Life is about the same here in the busy state of Delaware. We had a pretty good day Sunday in church. Probably about the same amount of people as we have been having. I believe firmly, with all my heart, that God is going to bless us with an abundance at Northeast. I'm not sure what holds us back. I don't think it's me, but there is something there. I spoke Sunday on change. Change is necessary if we call ourselves Christians. I'm afraid that even this could have been interpreted differently, though.

Even though God is unchanging in His character, He has used different methods to reach people throughout the history of the world. Think about it. Christians didn't have Bibles to read in their own language until the past 5 centuries. How did the church grow in the Dark Ages? God made a way. The same goes with today. I'm afraid some people will here those words, God never changes, and believe that He wants us to do the same things that we've been doing for the past 100 years to reach people with the gospel. What a shame if that is the case!

Just sorting through some thoughts this afternoon. Susan and I watched the classic 80s movie, Chariots of Fire Sunday night with another couple from church. I had forgotten how meaningful that movie really is. What's even more amazing is that it actually won several Academy Awards. AND IT'S A GOOD MOVIE!!! Very moving and challenging! It may bore you for a while, but the message is tremendous.

Trying to get some work done this afternoon. I called and got a church phone number set up finally. Sure, it will ring in our house, but it's the church's number. We can finally change our answering machine back to a normal message. Still got to work some more on my sermon for next week. Looking at the game Risk and how we need to step out and do more for God. Should be fun!

Comment me back if you feel like it! Later!!!


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