Monday, September 19, 2005

Signs of Summer Slowing Down

So we had a good day yesterday at Northeast Christian Church. We had 95 in attendance with some regulars out. It was a very good day attendance-wise. We had a great special music number by Johnny and Jill, "You Raise Me Up". Very good. I'm amazed more and more every time I hear Johnny's voice. Amazing! He made that song sound easy and effortless. I preached on Seeking God through Prayer. Got to use our brand new wireless lapel mic. Very liberating, indeed!!

Went to Dover afterward to eat at our favorite BBQ place, Where Pigs Fly. Great food. Came home, watched some football, took a little nap. We went swimming yesterday evening at the Duartes. Not many swimming days left in the year.

Well not much more to say. Things are going well. Hope to hear from you soon!!!


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