Monday, November 21, 2005

Obligatory Post

So it's time to update this here blog. Not much exciting has been happening for us here in Delaware. Susan's parents arrived Saturday evening for a nice Thanksgiving visit. I think they are heading back on Friday. So it'll be nice to visit with them for about a week. The boys are super-excited. Isaac is off from school all week. They have parent conferences today and tomorrow and teacher inservice on Wed. So the whole week is free for Isaac to spend with Mamaw and Papaw.

We had a pretty good day at church yesterday. Decent crowd with several regulars not present for various reasons. Found out that one of our members will be moving to Fayetteville, NC, for her work with DuPont next month. That kinda stinks. She was a link back to Indiana and Purdue even. We will miss her friendship a lot. She has been very encouraging.

Yesterday the leaders voted not to buy some land that we have been considering for a couple of months now. The discussion got somewhat heated, but cooler heads prevailed. Right now, I just don't think it is in the best interest of the church to sink so much money (BIG TIME BUCKS) into land when it might be better used investing in people. There will be more opportunities for land when the time is right. Hopefully everyone understands that too.

Dad and Mom will be moving in a couple of weeks. Sometimes it hits me that Byrdstown will not be their home anymore. Not that I was especially attached to Byrdstown, since we moved there when I was 16. But that is where we have gone every year. To some extent, I associate Byrdstown with Dad and Mom. Don't get me wrong. I'm very excited for the opportunity that they will have in the Hedgesville area of WV. Just sort of weird thinking about not returning to Byrdstown anymore. I'm sure it's harder on my brother who has become very attached to the community there. Pray for him and for my parents as they all prepare for this move.

Well, I really need to work on my sermon instead of updating this thing. Hopefully, it has given me enough inspiration and creativity to continue what I was doing before I started doing this.


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