Sunday, January 30, 2005

Back in the Saddle

Well, after a week off from services, we were able to worship together today. Although, any minister knows that if it's gonna snow, it will be on Sat. night or Sunday morning. Needless to say we got another 2 inches that kept several people away today.

Had a great day yesterday with some of our men! We had a prayer retreat at Sandy Cove Conference Center ( What a great day to pray and unite. I was very excited because I felt it was the first big thing I have done with these people. How good it was!

Great to get a call tonight from Scott McDonald from Warsaw and talk to him for a while. The past few days we have been struggling with missing friends and family back in Indiana. It was very good to talk to him and have a little connection with Warsaw.

Don't know what else to say. This week will be much like the last 8 or 9. Working on my sermon and getting Sunday School lesson together. Also doing some house hunting down below "the canal". Hopefully we will get some good leads on affordable housing.

Keep praying for us! God is good and we trust that He has a purpose for us being here.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Yeah, I Know

Hey everyone! Yeah, I know. It's been a while since I posted last. A real big thank you to Ashley for pointing this out to me. Not just once, but several times.

I guess we have some big news since the last post too. Last Sunday, the 16th, Northeast Christian Church met at Olive B. Loss Elementary School. We had 95 in attendance. We still have a lot to learn about our new location and several logistical details that need to be ironed out, but it sure was great to be there. We now have room to grow. WOW! If you can't tell, I'm very excited about this. It is our prayer that God will bless us with growth, both numeric and spriritual.

Isaac is doing well in school. He really misses Jefferson Elementary back in Warsaw. We were very blessed with a great school, principal, and teacher there. We are still trying to figure all the school stuff out here in Delaware. He is counting to 100 now, writing the alphabet, and doing some simple reading.

Riley is 3 now. We celebrated his birthday by going to McDonald's to play in the really cool playland, but it was closed for remodeling. Oh well. He's still three whether it was a fun party or not.

SUSAN IS NOW A COLLEGE GRADUATE!!! We got word yesterday from Concord University that she has been conferred for graduation. After some difficulty with the registrar, it is now official. I am so proud. She has been working hard on this for several years. She has balanced family, church, and school over and over again. She will have graduated with honors with a BA in Business Management after starting college 10 years ago. I can't tell you how proud I am of her.

I am doing well. I really enjoy preaching every weekend, but there's a lot more preparation necessary. As a youth minister, I would have a month or 6 weeks to let an idea grow. Now I have about 2 days. But it's fun and challenging. I begin networking with some of the churches in the lower part of the state tonight at a men's meeting. Should be fun.

We now have a webcam. If you have Yahoo Messenger, look us up at timnsus and see if we're online. Maybe you'll even catch a glimpse of us.

Until later.