It's About Time!!!

Well it's about time isn't it?!? We have received emails asking why there are no new posts with new pics of Eli yet. Well, here good excuse or reason. But isn't it nice to know that I have heard your cries and am willing to share what we have so far.
Eli continues to grow. (He's a baby. That's what he does.) He has developed a case of baby acne. Reminiscent of my teen years. He cries a lot. He eats a lot. He sits in his swing a lot. But he gets more and more comfortable in this world every day.
Susan is doing remarkably well, except for the whole exhaustion part of being a new mother. Eli keeps her busy. I try to help out by keeping the older boys out of her hair for a bit, but sometimes that is impossible.
Isaac is super-stoked about his birthday coming up the end of this month. He's doing great in school and already looking forward to Spring Break. (I didn't think that started until later in school.) We had a meeting with his speech teacher who said that after this next year, she believes that Isaac will be done with speech therapy. That was wonderful news to hear. He is doing so well in his speech.
Riley is definitely a 4 year old. Very active and friendly. Also very demanding and selfish at times. But that goes with being a 4yo, doesn't it? He loves his baby brother and helps out quite a bit at home with him. He is doing much better about getting himself ready in the mornings, much to the delight of his mother and me.
Both boys really dote on Eli quite a bit. In fact, they want to be so close to him all the time that I think it kinda freaks Eli out. He gets nervous when two very antsy boys get right up in his face. But they both love him tremendously and are proud to be big brothers.
I am doing well. Looking forward to a big community day that we will be having on April 15. Easter Egg Hunt included. Hoping that it continues to bless our community and let them know that (1) we're here and (2) we love them. Consistently running over 100 in our worship services now. That is very encouraging. Although numbers are not the most important thing. Making disciples is.
Here are a couple more pics to tide you over for a bit.
I love the pictures. Eli is so adorable! I am happy for you guys! Miss you all. We send our love!
7:12 PM
Wonderful pics!
10:15 AM
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