Thursday, April 06, 2006

How Refreshing......A New Post

So I really needed to post. Life has been quite the chaotic madhouse for about 2 weeks now. In fact, we were supposed to be in Indiana this week for a visit, but that was postponed because Isaac and Riley were both sick.

Things are still going quite well though. As I said, life is chaotic. Today was Isaac's first day back at school in a week and a half. I'm not so sure he wanted to go back to school. After all, he discovered that there is a whole other "cartoon world" out there while he is at school. At any rate, he went back today and we look forward to seeing him this later this afternoon.

Riley is Riley. He went to his first speech therapy session today and did well. It should be interesting for us, having already gone through this with Isaac.

Eli is growing and doing very well. His mysterious rash is all but gone right now. He smiles a lot and laughs quite a bit too. He is even "cooing" some. That's something that neither one of the other 2 did very much. My theory is that if he wants to be heard later, he better get started now.

Susan and I are doing good too. We really hated postponing our trip to Indiana, but it had to be done. We have both stayed relatively healthy through this little bout the boys had. I was down for about 36 hours, but, thankfully, Susan and Eli have been pretty much healthy.

Life at Northeast Christian Church is as exciting as ever. Our website is finally starting to come together. It still needs some work, but it's coming. Check it out here, . Our big Community Day and Egg Hunt will be April 15. Lots of publicity has been going out for that. We have done a mailer to 10,000 homes in the area. This is primarily to get word out that we are here. Maybe we'll get some response to it. VBS plans are coming together. Anyone want to come out and volunteer to help us???? June 26-29, 2006.

That's the latest. That's the news. Keep praying. We're praying for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Tim! I may acutally be able to come out in June to help you. I know I would love to, but I am not for sure as Drew and I are still figuring out this move to Columbus.

Glad things are going well and I hope the boys start feeling better soon!

2:49 PM


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