Eli David Grasham was born February 9, 2006, at 4:29am. Weighing in at 7lbs. 15oz., and measuring 20 1/2 inches in length, he fits the mold established by his two older brothers.
Both mother and baby are doing well. They will return home from the hospital no later than Saturday.
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us during this. We definitely needed them this last week. Details about that and, hopefully, pictures will follow in later posts.
Edit: Here are the first of several more, I'm sure.
Tim.... He's soooooo cute!!!
We miss you her in Warsaw, but we Love Gary as well.
lots of Love
4:18 PM
4:18 PM
Tim and Susan,
He is sooo precious! Congrats! I am very happy for you guys! I am sure Isaac and Riley are excited for their new little brother!
Miss you all!
4:55 PM
Congratulations Tim & Susan,
So glad for the new little boy, God Bless you all five!
Tell Isaac and Riley HI for us!
In Jesus,
Rosemary and Bill
12:39 PM
Was just doing a google search for my name (I was bored!) and found your site
Congratulations from
David Grasham
2:50 PM
Thank You Dad.
I'm 10 now I. looked cute then;].
your new son Eli
5:01 PM
Thank You Dad.
I'm 10 now I. looked cute then;].
your new son Eli
5:02 PM
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