Tuesday, February 01, 2005

February already!

It's really hard to believe that February is here. Time just keeps flying by for us. Hoping to do some looking around at homes in lower Delaware this afternoon and visit with a couple of families this evening. Should be good!

Been doing a lot of reading this week already. Also trying to stay active with the boys. It's very easy for me to shut myself in my office at the house and block out the boys. Isaac and Riley are best friends who love to fight with each other.

We are enjoying the webcam that we bought. It's nice to be able to get online and let people see the boys as they are growing. Susan's parents have a cam as well so we talk on the phone and watch each other too. It's like a face to face conversation with a 10 second delay. If you have Yahoo! Messenger, you can look us up at timnsus@yahoo.com. Maybe we'll be online and can chat or even catch a glimpse of the boys as they run through the house on an endless supply of energy.

Everybody around here is nuts about the Eagles being in the Super Bowl this weekend. I definitely don't want the Patriots to win being a Colts fan, but I don't think we would ever hear the end of it if the Eagles win. Oh well. We'll watch the game and just hope it's not a blowout and no 'wardrobe malfunctions' take place with Paul McCartney at halftime.

Have a good day everybody!!


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