Friday, March 04, 2005


Amazing is a word that I would use today to describe many things.

First, I have an amazing wife. Her perseverance in finishing her degree is an example. Her knowledge of Scripture is tremendous. Her love for me and our children is unconditional. Amazing!

Second, we have amazing children. In their own ways, our boys continue to amaze me. Sometimes that's a great thing and sometimes I'm amazed in a not-so-great way. At any rate, they are wonderful, fun, hilarious, and (usually) a joy to be around.

Third, God's call is amazing! My buddy Stevan Sheets summarized a message by Erwin McManus, I think, that said God calls each of us. Too often we make the distinction between the call to be a Christian and the call into ministry or missions. But they are one and the same. We when accept the call to follow Christ, it is accepting the call to enter into our own ministry or mission.

Finally, the price of housing around here is extremely amazing!! We are finding that we are definitely not making enough on one salary to buy a decent townhouse, let alone a house with a yard. Keep us in your prayers. We feel strongly that this is where God wants us to be. We also know that as the church grows, my salary will increase. However, in the meantime, it is sometimes a struggle to make everything add up. (If you know what I mean.)

What an amazing God we serve! What an amazing life He has called us to lead!! May sound cheesy, but I'm reminded of the old hymn: Trust and Obey!! That's what He wants us to do!!



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