So Unfortunate
Well, the city of Philadelphia and the surrounding area, including Delaware, is in a state of depression. After last night's 24-21 loss to the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl, we heard a car drive through the neighborhood honking. No doubt honking at our neighbor's house. He happens to be an Eagles season ticket holder.
It was odd last night watching the game alone at home with the family. For the past 8 years, we have spent Super Bowl Sunday with groups of teenagers. We decided to stay home because if the Eagles won, the drunks would be out in full force. However, since the Eagles lost, the drunks were probably out in full force too.
We did get a phone call from Stan Osborn in Warsaw. He had a house full of teenagers in our absence. It was good to visit with Stan for a little bit. I also got a chance to talk to some of the teens. Just in case they check the website: Brittnee, Justin, Amber, Jeremy, Leah and Mallory.
Church went well yesterday. We had a few more visitors. An ad was placed in the Middletown newspaper that we hope will generate more interest. We are also seeking out new ways to reach out to the immediate surrounding neighborhood of Brennan Estates, some 1400 families.
-*hey tim...glad to see my name was first! jk! but yeah, the superbowl party was nothin without u! gotta go, school's tomorrow, fun...not!*-
10:03 PM
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