Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My most sincere apologies!

I owe everyone (or maybe just the one) who reads this blog an apology. I have neglected my responsibility as a web blogger to update my site. Are you happy, Ashley?

No seriously, I have no legitimate reason for not posting. There has been much to talk about. I just haven't posted any of it.

We are doing well. As I type this post, Susan and the boys are visiting with her parents in Colfax, IN. Isaac will celebrate his 6th birthday tomorrow. Both boys got to ride on a tractor today with Papaw, something they will miss the longer we are out here. I miss them all very much, and am eager for them to return home this weekend.

I have been busy this week though. Monday I spent all day in Baltimore for a surgery. I must say that Johns Hopkins is, by far, the coolest hospital I've ever been in. And I've been in a lot. Top-notch. Rated #1 hospital in America. Mr. Reed is recovering nicely from his liver surgery and could be home on Friday. Did you know that if 60% of the liver is removed it will regenerate and grow back? Very cool.

Church is going well. We are now having repeat visitors. 4 families have become regular attenders the past few weeks. We are so excited about growth possibilities now. We had 95 on Easter morning, but some regulars weren't present. I was told that if everyone was there we would have had between 105-110. It's real exciting to see God working.

On the house front, we are still searching. I will be going with our realtor tomorrow to look at a Maryland. Doesn't that sound crazy? It's actually just across the border from Delaware in a small rural town called Cecilton. It looks nice, but I have questions about taxes, schools, licenses, etc. All that good stuff. It would be so weird to live in 3 different states in 6 months and not be in the military.

Keep praying for us. We definitely appreciate it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah!! you posted...i feel like my life is complete for the time being:) seriously...i miss you guys so much...but i will get to see susan and the boys tomorrow so that will be great:) it's a shame that you couldn't make it out as well...but hey you'll see me in may!! i am excited:) glad to see that things are going well...i'm praying as always! i miss spending time with you all...playing cards...goofing off...and just hanging with you! it has been too long:( again, i love you all and miss you!! --ash <3

5:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure you heard,but please be in prayer for my grandpa Bill. He had a heart attack a week ago. He's doing well! He is having a heart cath on Friday so pray for my family. Thanks!

9:13 PM


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