Saturday, March 05, 2005

Another Fun Day

Well today was week three of the YMCA Basketball experience for Isaac. He is doing much better. He played good defense today and make a really good pass too. Hopefully, we'll be able to work on his shooting sometime tomorrow with the nice weather.

Tomorrow should be interesting at church. In preparation for the new format, no Sunday School, we called the school administrative offices to change the times. Our times are now changing effective this week. Now we cannot be in the school building until 9am. Whereas we had been getting in at 8am previously. Probably no Sunday School tomorrow then either.

We are working on a visitors packet to help connect people. We also formulated a letter to send to families just moving into Brennan Estates, where the school is located. Hopefully we will have some success in reaching some of those families in the area.

Hope all is well with everyone!



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