Thursday, June 16, 2005

School's Out....Finally!

Well, Isaac has officially completed Kindergarten. His last two days of school were actually cancelled because of the high heat index. All the other grades went half-day, so Kindergarten was cancelled. I'm not sure whether he really understands that he probably won't see the kids from his class again. He knows that we are moving again to Middletown, and is excited about going to another new school. But I don't know if he's totally comprehending the situation. Of course, he's only six. We are glad that school's out though. Isaac started school way back in the middle of August and is just now getting out. So, for that fact alone, we are excited to be done.

Urgent prayer need: Pray for a location for Northeast Christian Church. I would love to explain it all here, but you would probably be bored out of your mind reading all the details. Just know that our meeting place now could change and the hopeful next meeting place is not yet available. Please pray hard for us. We know that God will continue to open doors for us. We'd just like to know where those doors are right now. LOL!

Anyway, we are so looking forward to time away to visit family and friends. Hopefully we'll get to see some of you. Questions about where and when?? Just send me an email:

Love you all! Later!!

Friday, June 10, 2005

More News

Wow! What a week and a half it has been since the last post! Let me get straight to the point. Susan's pregnant! We are now expecting Baby G3 in February of 2006. We are excited and yet nervous as well. The boys are thrilled. The people at church are excited. Our parents are excited too. Pray for us over the next 8 months or so that God would keep Susan and the baby healthy. Pray for us as we get ready to move next month too.

Because of this latest news we are having to rethink how we were going to set up the house in Middletown. It will still work though.

Things have been exciting at church. So much potential. Just praying that we can get over some personal obstacles that are in our way.

Really looking forward to some time away soon. It will be real nice to get away and refresh.

We are so thankful for all of our friends and family. You are a blessing to us!!


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Happy June!!

Hey everyone! Hard to believe that it is the first day of June. Shouldn't school be over? Isaac won't be done here until mid-June, June 15. Isn't that absurd? He started in mid-August too.

We've had great weather here lately. After the rain stopped and the forecast changed, the sun appeared and has stuck around for a while. Good time then for us to be outside. Memorial Day was pretty good. I actually missed working at the 500 this year. In watching the race I would look for the area where I worked last year.

We had a church picnic on Monday to communicate and kick off our small group ministry. It's been underway for a long time, but needed to be well-communicated to the people where groups were meeting and the importance of being involved in a small group. It's especially important given our situation, meeting only once a week. Hopefully, this will give us a pretty good boost.

We're all good for moving down to Middletown in July. That is, provided all the paperwork gets approved, etc. We are excited about getting into a stable location. We have been so blessed in this house, but we definitely need to be in Middletown.

Looking forward to some time off soon.

Thanks to you who commented and let me know that you check out the blog regularly. It's encouraging to know. Of course, I think I would continue to blog regardless, just to get thoughts off my chest and out in the air.

Anyway, hope everyone had a great holiday and enjoys the beginning of summer.
