Monday, October 17, 2005

One Week and Counting

Wow! It's been a week since I last posted. That is hard to believe. Time does have a way of racing by. We continue to stay busy both in the church and in the community. We continue to see more and more that needs to be done in church. Hopefully, in the next month or so, we will transition to a ministry team format at the church. Right now, it just seems like there is a lot of chaos. Everything gets done, but we're not exactly sure how. It should be an interesting and challenging transition.

Soccer is going well. We had our ice cream party on Saturday after the game. We won a banner contest at the beginning of the year. Good times with the kids. Locked the keys in the van and had to have a family drive me to the house so I could break in through a window and get the keys. How embarrassing!

Dad and Mom had their first Sunday without a ministry for a long time. They went to visit my Granddad in Kentucky for his birthday. Things are beginning to look up for them though. More opportunities are presenting themselves for them.

Keep us in your prayers as we enter this very delicate and difficult transition time at church. I, personally, am being stretched and challenged by God during this. I know God will have His way, but sometimes I just wish it wasn't so frustrating going through it. Just kidding. Not really.

Have a good one!!

Monday, October 10, 2005

We're still here

So it's been a while since I posted. We spent last week in Indiana visiting Susan's family and some friends from Warsaw. It was nice to be there during harvest season.

It was especially good to visit with our Warsaw friends: Carrie Schneider, the Boschains, the McDonalds and Ashley Justice. Always nice to reconnect with people after being away for so long.

Good to be back in Delaware, though. Lots of work still to be done here in Middletown. We were missing some families yesterday in church. Still could be close to that 100 hump. Both boys have been under the weather a bit. Isaac before we left and after we returned and Riley while we were away. Hopefully they're both turning the corner though.

I talked with Dad and Mom last night. Yesterday was Dad's last Sunday preaching at Byrdstown. Sometimes that's hard to believe. They've been there over 15 years now. That really makes it hard to leave. It's hard to imagine not going back to Byrdstown to see them, but exciting to think about the new adventures that are in store for them elsewhere. Although, I'm sure that's not exactly the thoughts rushing through their minds. Keep them in your prayers.

Gotta run and finish this weeks sermon.