Friday, December 16, 2005

Time Flies

Wow! Time flies very quickly. There have been days where I have checked the blog, but haven't posted anything. Been quite busy and not a whole lot to say. Things are going well here. December is a busy month no matter where you live. We are doing a lot of things to get ready for Christmas. We've been working on crafts for Isaac's music program at school next week. We've been doing some shopping. We've been doing a lot of reading. We've been chasing a near 4yo all throughout the house trying to get him to put some clothes on or stop drinking chocolate milk. We've been busy.

Still no excuse for not posting as I should. Field trip with Isaac's class was fun. Only male on the trip with a whole host of 1st grade boys who need to use the bathroom. Lots of fun there! Riley and I made our trip to WV to see Dad and Mom and Robert last Thursday. It's nice that they are closer now for day trips even.

Church is going well. I can share with everyone that last Sunday I announced that 3 of our men will be stepping up to be elders beginning the first of the year. These men are very well qualified and all desire the position. It's exciting because there will, hopefully, be more direction and leadership given. Generally, they do not want a pastor/minister driven church leadership. So this is definitely a good thing.

Children's Program Sunday at church. Those are always interesting. Caroling Sunday night. Meeting at our house and going from there. Sounds like we're gonna have quite a crowd. Makes me nervous thinking about the size of our house with a large number of people present. EEK! Definitely exciting though!

God continues to bless us. Susan has about 8 weeks left. Probably about 8 weeks too long for her right now. She is quite uncomfortable. But both she and the baby are healthy. That's wonderful news.

In case I don't update before Christmas (and everyone knows that's a definite possibility), have a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior with those closest to you. Continue to let your light shine and be a reflection of the Light of the world.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Apologies Once Again

I want everyone to know that I have had every intention of updating this thing before now. However, when i sit down to write, I just don't fee like it. Kind of ironic, no?

Anyway, life is going pretty good. We're getting real busy. Of course, who isn't? It's December. Tomorrow I'm supposed to meet with my ministry buddies up in Glasgow at Starbucks. Good times talking about the Episcopal church. Ha! Good guys, really! Wednesday I will be chaperoning a class field trip for Isaac's first grade class. Should be tons of fun! Susan said she would pack the Tylenol for me. I don't know why she said that.

Dad, Mom and Robert are moving as a I type this. They left Byrdstown, Tennessee this morning and are now somewhere in Virginia most likely. It's odd. I've been super excited about this for quite a while. They are going to be so much closer and we are very glad about that. But it will be farther from my extended family. It started to hit me that I won't get to see my extended family much more unless specific trips are taken to see them. Even now, the enormity of that statement takes a little breath away. I know I haven't been the most present figure in our family for the past 10 years since I graduated from college. But I knew I could count on seeing a majority of my family, especially my mom's side, at least once a year when we vacationed in Tennessee. Now that seems more and more unlikely. Sometimes growing up and getting older is not all it's cracked up to be.

Dad and Mom don't know it yet. In fact, they may read it on here first. Thursday Riley and I are making a road trip to WV to spend the day with them. Can't wait. Close to 3 hours in a car with a 3yo. More fun than a 1st grade class field trip. I'm looking forward to seeing their new home and community and getting a chance to help them a bit.

Well, stuff to do, kids to put to bed. Good Night, Delaware!!!