Update from Christmas
I know I've needed to update for some time. There really is a lot to tell, but sometimes I wonder if it is worth it. No comments. No thoughts from the outside world. My friend Stevan actually tried blackmailing people into leaving comments. Refused to post until he received 50 comments. How lame! I'm not that desperate (I don't think).
Actually life has been pretty good lately. In the month since I last posted, we have had Christmas here in Delaware, in West Virginia, and in Indiana. We have all spent a little bit of time sick. And we spent a great deal of time in the van.
Susan now has 5 weeks until her due date. We are ready, but she is even more ready. A whole lot more discomfort with this one. (Sign of things to come?!?) She is trying to stay comfortable and off her feet to alleviate the aching.
Isaac is back at school and doing well, although practice spelling test last night was not enjoyable. He starts playing basketball tomorrow in a church league just up the way in Glasgow. Should be interesting again. Much like last year's b-ball experiment.
Riley is now 4. We celebrated his birthday in the same three states we celebrated Christmas. He continues to grow and amaze us. We determined on our whirlwind holiday trip that he needs to drink less. Something about stopping 3 times in 80 miles.
I was very ready and excited to get back to Middletown for church reasons. I feel very excited about what God is going to do in us and through us in 2006. We have been just short of the 100 mark for about a month now. We ordain 3 elders this Sunday and begin to establish our ministry team system in the coming month as well. I don't know if I can fully convey to you my excitement. There is an underlying sense of excitement and momentum. The folks here are just waiting for a direction from these new leaders. Should be a lot of fun this year! Anybody interested in coming out and seeing it?
Gotta run for now. Check out my friend Tom's website here. Great guy and he asks a lot of thought-provoking questions.
Don't forget the comments!
Happy New Year!!! There isn't much news on my homefront! We had a great Christmas going out to Indiana to visit my family. I miss the flatness of the area....but I do love New York! Brandon came back and spent a few days here with us, he had a great time. He will be turning 14 on Jan. 11, Steph will be 17 on Feb. 15. She has her own car and is a very busy young woman. Phillip, well, I am not sure about him, he doesn't talk much to me. But he seems to be doing good. I am currently trying to figure out what I want to do about a job situation and college. Drew and I are now going to church with his parents. Its not our favorite place in the world, but until his work schedual becomes more regular, it works for us. He LOVES working at Apple, and I love that he loves it. We are hoping to move into our own apartment by April!
Be praying for Drew's job, he may get a full time position, also, pray for apartment hunting, and pray for me with all the decisions and such.
Glad to hear things are going well! I miss you guys!
3:39 PM
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