Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A New Update

So it is definitely time for a post. Life over the past two weeks has been quite chaotic in the Grasham household. Little Eli is a joy (most of the time). Just kidding! He is precious and adorable and looks just like his older brothers. (Sorry, Eli. You'll get over it in a few years.)

As many of you know, we make our annual trip to JBC this week for Homecoming. This year we decided not to go. We really wanted to. It's a great time to see family and friends, especially our friends from West Virginia. But a decision needed to be made and so it was. It was especially difficult since Isaac is off of school all week. He wouldn't have needed to miss any classes. However, traveling with a 6yo, 4yo, and 2 week old would not have been a joyous occasion.

We have been blessed by numerous people since Eli's coming. Susan's mom was here for 2 weeks. My mom was here for 1 week (before breaking her leg falling down our basement stairs). People from church have blessed us with meals and gifts and many, many encouraging words.

Things are going so well at church right now. Every week we reach new heights in attendance, but hopefully in spiritual growth as well. I am excited to be in worship every Sunday. What a blessing the past 3 months have been for me personally here at Northeast Christian Church!

I have a sermon to finish and a Bible study to prepare. So I must go. However, leave some comments if you wish. No demands coming from here. Just as you wish. HA!

Here's a pic or two to hold you over!

Friday, February 10, 2006


Eli David Grasham was born February 9, 2006, at 4:29am. Weighing in at 7lbs. 15oz., and measuring 20 1/2 inches in length, he fits the mold established by his two older brothers.

Both mother and baby are doing well. They will return home from the hospital no later than Saturday.

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us during this. We definitely needed them this last week. Details about that and, hopefully, pictures will follow in later posts.

Edit: Here are the first of several more, I'm sure.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Still No News

Still no baby yet. Life continues on in anticipation.

Once again another good Sunday at NCC. Record attendance of 109. Last week I was wrong: 100 right on the nose. That makes 4 straight weeks of 100+ in attendance. I do believe that looking always at numbers can be dangerous and almost always foolish, but right now it's nice to see the work progressing here in Delaware.

Baby will be here Thursday and no later unless he delays until very early Friday morning. We will be going to the hospital sometime Thursday morning for inducement. (Is that even a word?) We are all very anxious for Baby G3 to arrive. Especially now that both of our mothers are staying with us here in the house.

Isaac, Riley and, now, my mom have been sick since Saturday. Stay away from us as much as you can!!!

Had a great meeting this morning with my friend, Jay. Good times reading Scripture and talking about new church work in general. Looking forward to spending more time with he and Tom.

Good times here in Delaware, I tell ya!! Anyone planning a trip to beautiful, exotic Delaware anytime soon, look us up!!