Busy Times
Honestly, it's not that I don't want to post something. Usually I just leave the previous one up until people begin to complain. Actually, life has been quite busy lately.
Friday night Susan and I went to the Undone Tour Concert. Monk & Neagle, The Afters, Jeremy Camp and Mercy Me. Great show here in Newark. Very good show. If it comes to an arena near you, I would definitely recommend you go.
We're still adjusting to life in Delaware. Our car had to have a new valve head gasket......$$$. Gas prices are soaring......$$$. Real estate is unbelievable......$$$.
We think we have a lead on a house in Middletown. Hopefully, this one won't slip through our hands.
Praying for our friends in Warsaw. Gary and Renee Boschain, our dear friends, will be going to Warsaw to interview with the church there. Gary called right away and asked if it was ok. I assured him our friendship would not change. LOL. We are praying that this is what is best for both parties.
Isaac still asks often about moving back to Warsaw. He is enjoying spring time though and being outside more helps. He is seeing more kids out and about. He is even spending a great deal of time talking to two older gentlemen who live in the houses near us. Very funny. They're out working and he's just talking away. Basketball season is over for him. Now T-Ball starts. He is already doing well in fielding grounders and throwing. Should be a fun summer.
It looks like Dad and Mom will be coming for a visit in May. Followed shortly by a visit from the Osborns and the Justices...we hope.
Keep praying for us and the church too.
My name is Brandy Eckhardt Nasworthy and all though you don't know me, I went to Johnson Bible College with Renee McIndoo. I was wondering if you could have her contact me either by email, bdn1215@yahoo.com or by phone 478-988-0392. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas and God Bless.
Brandy Eckhardt Nasworthy
8:26 AM
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