Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day everyone!! Oh wait. That was yesterday!! Oh well...Happy Mother's Day anyway Mom. Just kidding. Talked with her last night.
Had a good day yesterday at church. Took Susan out to lunch yesterday. Had a nice nap in the afternoon. Woke up and took communion to a lady in the hospital with Isaac. Played outside for a while with the boys enjoying a gorgeous afternoon. Watched America's Funniest Home Videos with Isaac last night (his favorite). Overall, a very good day.
Will have a busy week this week. Working hard on my sermon today and tomorrow. Leave the house at 3:30am Wednesday to go to Louisville, KY for the Southeast Christian Church Leadership Conference. Dad and Mom fly into Philly early Friday afternoon. I arrive back from Louisville early Saturday morning after traveling through the night. So forgive me for a lack of posts this week. Like it's anything you're not used to already.
Just wanted to check in with you all and say howdy. Life is good.
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