Monday, April 18, 2005

Soon-to-be Homeowners Again

Hey everyone! As you can probably guess by the title of the post, our offer to buy the house last week was accepted. It's very exciting, yet very nerve-wracking in the same breath. We are excited about being close to the hub of activity for the church, the target location. However, we have never owned anything worth this much money in our lives. We loved our house in Warsaw, but it was not worth this much in the market there.

Everyone at church yesterday was very excited for us. I think that this will help some of the feelings of disconnectedness that we have been experiencing. Even the people who live up in this area were happy for us. There is also a strong possibility of an opening for us in a private school in Middletown. This would be great. There are so many things that are looking positive at this point in time.

Guest speaker yesterday at church. Kevin O'Brien from Johnson Bible College. Susan and I had a good time visiting with him both Sat. night and yesterday at lunch. I think i made him feel old. Told him he was in school at JBC with my parents. I think it's ok though.

Busy week ahead. Inspections and the such at the house. Pray that everything goes well.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats!! i hope all goes well with that:)

10:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huge Congrats! I am glad you were able to find something! i still drive by your house in warsaw and its wierd to know you arent there! Anyway, I hope all else is well!


5:19 PM


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