Countdown......Less than a Week
Wow! I can hardly believe it! A week from now we will be living in our new home in Middletown. What an unbelievable journey it's been! So many ups and downs in the past 8 months. Even yesterday morning we were concerned about everything getting done that needed to get done for us to close next Friday. But God continues to work out the details and simply tells us to trust Him. It's so hard at times, but I have a feeling that He knows what He's doing.
Church people are very excited about us being down in M-town. We will be so much closer to just about everything. We will miss our neighbors here in MHH (Meeting House Hill) though. It was nice to see the boys out playing with some of them tonight.
Well, it's getting late and I need to go over my sermon one more time for tomorrow. Have a great Lord's Day tomorrow!!
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