Friday, May 20, 2005


So it's been a long time since I posted. But a lot has happened since then. I, along with 6 other men from the church drove to Louisville, KY, for the Southeast Christian Church Leadership Conference. Really good event for this group of leaders to attend.

Dad and Mom arrived last Friday and just left this afternoon. We had a really good time with them here. Isaac and Riley were sad to see them leave. They enjoyed getting to see the boys and getting to know some more about where we are. I took Dad to Valley Forge, PA, on Wednesday. Had a great time looking over some Revolutionary War history. Also good just to visit.

Susan left on Wednesday morning and returns tonight from a Women's Ministry convention in Nashville, TN. She has really enjoyed it, but is eager to get home.

Now to the topic at hand: dirt. Kids love dirt. Kicking it, laying in it, throwing it, even just touching it. Isaac has a fascination at Little League with the dirt. He plays extremely well when he focuses, but most of his time is spent bent over playing in the dirt. His coaches asked if we had any dirt at our house. Isaac said no, so the coach told him to pick some up from the field, put it in his pocket and take it home with him. He's really enjoying baseball. We're glad we found something like this for him.

Anyway, that's what's been going on. Send us a line. Leave a comment. Whatever. Hope everyone's doing good.



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