Wednesday, July 06, 2005

It's About Time

Ok, so you may be wondering why it's been so long since the last post. There is a most logical and easy explanation for this. We did not want anyone locally who reads this post and might happen to know where we live know that we would be gone from our house for nearly 2 weeks and seize the opportunity to break in and steal what valuable assets we have left in said house.

Easy enough right?

We had a very good vacation over the past two weeks. We spent a few days in Tennessee visiting with my parents and family there and in Kentucky. We then traveled to Warsaw and spent a few days there. Sorry to those who may read this from there that we didn't get to spend much time with. It definitely was a very quick trip up there. We were able to worship at FCC though Sunday morning. It was good to see familiar faces and places while we were there. We just had to eat at Dig's, El Arriero, and the Boathouse. Anything else would not be acceptable. We had a good time visiting with old friends there. Thank you to Dalene Goshert for letting us crash in her house for a few nights.

We then headed 2 hours southwest to spend a few days with Susan's family. It was quite quiet and relaxing those few days on the farm. Much needed. Susan and I returned to our home in Newark late Thursday night. The boys return some time today with Susan's parents. It has been very quiet here at home without the boys, but sleeping in a bit has been wonderful.

Hope everyone had a great Independence Day holiday! I know this is just a rundown of our vacation but felt obliged to let everyone know where we've been and that we're back safely now.

Enjoy the hot days of summer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm sure you already know what's going on witH carson Judd, but here's the link for his updates in case you don't have it.

Love you guys!

10:28 PM


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