Friday, July 29, 2005

It's Official

Well we are now no longer renters but home-owners once again. This morning we officially signed the documents that made us the owners of our new home in Middletown, DE. We are excited...overwhelmed...nervous...exhausted...etc. It has been a long process for us since we moved out here over 8 months ago from Warsaw. There were many times when we didn't think we would ever find a house that would be suitable for us and the situation we were in, both ministerially and financially. But God provided as He always does.

So tomorrow morning at 8am some men from church will be showing up at our house in Newark and begin to move everything down to Middletown. The next several days will be extremely chaotic and exhausting. Please forgive me if I don't post anything for a while. Oh're already used to all that, arent' you? We will be getting our phone hooked up on Monday and at that time we should, I repeat should, also get our internet access back. I will try to update the blog sometime early next week.

In all of this Susan has been doing pretty well. There have been days where her energy is just not there. This pregnancy has already seemed to zap a lot of strength from her. She has been wonderful throughout this process though. I, on the other hand, have been a nervous wreck the past couple of days. That may be tough to imagine, but it's true. Just ask Isaac and Riley.

Keep us in your prayers as we begin to get settled in. Susan's mom will be coming out later next week to help decorate and unpack some so that will be nice. If you want to drop us an email, our address will remain the same,



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