Getting Settled
Well, it's been over a week now that we've been in our new house and things are starting (I repeat, starting) to get settled down. We still have mounds of boxes and totes laying around, mostly filled with my books, but they will find their permanent home soon.
I have been encouraged over the past couple of days by the number of people from church who have commented on how excited they are that we are finally down in Middletown. I don't think I realized how far it really was for us to be way up in the north part of Newark for the past 8 months. As the months wore on, it grew more and more obvious that we desperately needed to be down here closer to everyone.
Church went well yesterday. Every week we have a few new people come and visit. Our goal, of course, is that they return. Fortunately, we have had some success in getting return visitors. I think that our relaxed and friendly, non-threatening atmosphere helps in that regard. I am firmly convinced that there are great things around the corner for Northeast Christian Church. I just wish that I could speed them up a little bit. But God has His own time for things and He will continue to bless us as we seek Him and honor Him in everything.
Susan's mom arrived on Friday for a visit. It has been good to have her here to help. She flies back home to Indiana on Thursday. Please pray for Susan's nephew Braydin Gable. He was involved in a 4-wheeler accident this weekend. He swerved to miss a large dog, wrecked and now is in Riley hospital with 3 broken ribs, a fractured vertebrae, and several other painful injuries.
We have received a couple of very encouraging emails recently. It's always nice to hear from friends. Excited to hear from Kim Clevenger in Warsaw about 4th Grade Camp and other exciting news like college. We always love to hear from friends. Even though we're closer in proximity to church folks, we're still quite a distance from friends and family. Drop us a line sometime. We'd love to hear from you.
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