Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Apology and more...

Ok. So I need to apologize to Mr. Joel Osteen. God has a way of humbling us from time to time. This morning's chapter that we read through in Your Best Life Now was actually quite good. Now I'm not quite ready to give him a free pass on everything, but he's got my attention a little bit more. Too bad it took 8 chapters to get it. LOL. Anyway, apology is out there for everyone to read now.

Do you ever get to the point where you're reading too many books at once. Not all at the same time all spread out on a table....that's ridiculous. I have been working through at least three books for over a month now. Almost done with McManus, really starting to get into McLaren, as well as my weekly reading in Osteen. Sometimes I forget what I've read already. Oh well.

I'm leading a new small group tonight. I'm filling in for the next 3 1/2 months for a guy who is changing work shifts for a little bit. Should be interesting. Going into a new group of people. I went last week just to get a "feel" for the group. I'm actually looking forward to it....I think.

OK...another vent. Can we just stop already with the racial accusations going on with Hurricane Katrina?!? A lot of people stayed because they wanted to stay. There is a lot of "blame" to go around, from the local to the state to the federal gov't, but none of it has to do with race. I saw black, white, asian, etc. lined up along those highways. This hurricane affected everyone. The response would have been the same even if it was a lot of white people stranded. Too often the people who have a "voice" should just keep it quiet. The old saying goes, "It's better to remain quiet and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

I think everyone's heart breaks for those who were affected by Katrina. I pray for those people who have been evacuated from their city and their homes. I also pray for those people who are helping them, especially the churches around the country who are taking people in. What a tremendous show of God's love and compassion!!

ULTRASOUND TOMORROW!!!! Looking forward to filling you all in on the news...if you're lucky! HA!!


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