First Day of School
Still trying to finish Uprising by Erwin McManus. Very deep book. Very challenging book. I have to put it down for a while to mull over what I have read. It was the same with his other book, An Unstoppable Force.
Sermon went well on Sunday. I didn't finish preaching until 11:20. Which means that I preached for at least 35-40 minutes. That very rarely happens. I think that I felt so strongly about this message that I definitely let it show. I was very much emotionally involved in the topic. Jonah was such a prejudiced guy. The whole story of Jonah is not about the salvation of the Ninevites, but about Jonah's own salvation. He had God all wrapped up nicely in his own little box. When that thought hit me, I was ashamed of Jonah, but then I became ashamed of myself. I think I have done that. If you don't look, act, sound like me, then you can't be a Christian. What a shame!
Anyway, it still weighs heavily on me. I pray that I don't get stuck in that rut like Jonah did. I think Jonah turned it around though. After all, he wrote the book of Jonah. He had to know what the whole story was really about.
So Isaac's at school today. A day we have very much been looking forward to, but now that it is here, we are sad. Riley is moping around today. Not feeling well, but also missing Isaac. It is a sad day. I'm sure he's doing good. We look forward to hearing all about the first day when he gets home soon.
Lots of stuff happening! Very busy! God is blessing!
Hey you guys! I emailed Susan a few nights ago but I hadn't responded here in awhile. We had our 1st small group last Friday and I think it's going to be great. It's the Knights, Boschains, Matneys, and us.
We miss you guys and I check your blog all the time for updates. I'm going to call soon but I just got over the worst ear infection and I couldn't stand to talk. That goes over GREAT when you're with 5th graders all day long! =)
I hope Isaac had a great first day back at school!
The Sagers
9:54 PM
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