Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Just Checking In

Just wanted to check in and say hey before I go to pick up the boys from a Vacation Bible School they've been attending this week. Things are pretty hectic, as always, around the Grasham house.

I've been doing a lot of reading the past week or so, but that might change now that we got basic cable. Just kidding. Currently reading Uprising by Erwin McManus and A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren. Both very good. Next up for me will probably be The Present Future by Reggie McNeal. You may notice the tendency to read from guys who have "Mc" in their names. Maybe it's because we're like addicted to McDonald's and their $1.99 Happy Meals on Wed and Fri nights.

Anyway, pray for my parents please. Dad resigned from the church in Byrdstown on Sunday. They are currently looking for another ministry. This week they're away at a retreat for ministers and wives. Hopefully, that is refreshing to them after this very stressful weekend.



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