Friday, August 12, 2005

Pregnancy Update

Susan went to the doctor today for her checkup. Isaac went with her to hear the heartbeat. While there, she found out that her doctor has resigned and she has been assigned to another doctor. All of this may seem stressful, but it's not. She had not seen her previous doctor since we found out she was pregnant. He is in Kansas, I think, as a part of the Reserve. So the doctor she has been assigned to is the doctor she has already been seeing. This doctor also comes to the Middletown office one day a week. So now we won't have to drive all the way to Christiana for her appointments. Great news.

We are doing all right. Still settling in. I'm getting some much needed reading done though. Uprising by Erwin McManus headlines my list right now. I'm also excited about reading A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren after finishing McManus. Good stuff though. Check it out if you want.



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