BABY G3...The News You've All Been Waiting For
AND THE SEX OF BABY G3 IS..............wouldn't you like to know!!!! Hahahaha!! Today we went to the doctor's office for our ultrasound. Riley went with us while Isaac was at school. The technician asked if we wanted to know what it was or not. We said yes and she told us very quickly that it looked like it was a _______. See, you thought I was going to tell you there. Later during the ultrasound, I asked how confident she was that it was a ______. She said she was very confident that it was a ______. They main thing is that the baby's spine is forming just fine and that the heartbeat and size are quite normal.
Also spent some time this morning with 2 pastor friends over coffee. I'm constantly reminded of how different things are here than in the midwest. One is an Episcopal priest. At one point the topic shifted to homosexuality. Interesting to say the least. Even the Episcopal church in Warsaw seemed to stand close to conservatives on that issue. Good discussions with those guys though. I really appreciate them.
Well gotta run. The bus will be here soon. Soccer practice tonight.
By the way, Baby G3 is a boy.
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