This Present Stuggle
Ok. My last couple of posts previous to yesterdays about our new son have focused on Joel Osteen. I struggle. I struggle reading a book that I don't think really belongs in a Christian bookstore. I struggle. I struggle because I want to give the man the benefit of the doubt. "Whoever is not against us, is for us."
Let me try to explain. When I was in youth ministry and the Harry Potter phenomenon first came on the scene, I was approached constantly by parents seeking my opinion. In other words, I think they wanted me to say that Harry Potter was of the devil. I refused to give them an opinion because I had never read any of the books. I felt I could not answer them sufficiently. So I went to the local library and checked out the latest one at the time, The Goblet of Fire, I think. I was completely captured by the book. But I also read it thinking of my students who would be possibly reading it too. That particular book included the death of certain individuals who were not main characters in the series. Because of this, I recommended to parents that children under middle school might want to stay away, but that it was fun to read.
Having said all that, I feel that many people who are criticizing Joel Osteen are doing the same. They are reading blogs or websites dedicated to the bashing of Joel Osteen and making judgments based solely on what they have read about him and his teaching. I am currently reading Your Best Life Now for a small group that we have. Therefore, I comment only on what I have read to this point. I also have watched him a few times on television.
Again, having said all that, I again reiterate that I struggle. I do not believe that Joel Osteen is the anti-christ. I do not believe that he is of the devil. I do believe that he is preaching spiritual milk and not spiritual meat. Very seldom in the book to this point (chapter 8) has he mentioned the importance of being "content in all circumstances" or of "seeking first His kingdom". I have heard that if you believe, anything can be yours. I have heard that, as a Christian, I deserve preferential treatment. I cannot and will not accept that kind of thinking. I believe wholeheartedly that God wants to bless me, but I also believe wholeheartedly that those blessings may not be seen in a promotion, a bigger house, or more money.
Milk. I venture to even consider it spiritual "skim" milk. Now milk is ok for infants, but people are to mature and take on spiritual meat, more substance. His church of 30,000, although I have never attended, is being fed milk. They in turn will also share milk with others. And the cycle continues. And the gospel is spread, but people may not become growing disciples of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Again, I have no intention of accusing Mr. Osteen of heresy at all. I do just so much wish that he would preach the gospel. That he would preach the life of Christ. That he would tell people that the only way to really have a wonderful life is through a growing, consistent relationship with God through His Son Jesus.
I hope I have offended no one with my comments. If I have, please forgive me. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think about all of this. I cherish input. I have been seeking a lot of input on this topic specifically lately.
Part of my struggle with this can also be attributed to some of the books and studies I've been reading lately too. For a contrast to Osteen, please read Uprising by Erwin R. McManus and A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren. My thinking has been continually challenged by these guys in numerous ways.
Have a good one!!
IT'S A BOY!!!!!
hey tim... wow, another boy?! we still miss you here... well i might as well tell you i was looking through my "sunshine box" the other day that we made at vernal asylum and i found that "compliment card" and the card that you wrote us the week you left... it was sad... but anyways it made me think of you and i just thought i'd stop in and say hey! so.. "hey!" much love-
10:27 PM
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