Friday, January 20, 2006

World's Worst Blogger

Am I not the worst blogger in the world? I know for a fact that I am not, but still. Nothing of substance for almost 2 weeks. Yikes!!

Wow! Where to start? Participated in my first funeral in over a year. The joys of working with a new and relatively young congregation. Although it seemed like some of the people were wondering if I've ever done a funeral before in my life. I reassured them that I've been a part of many funerals. One person said, "But not as a senior minister though, right?" Like there's a difference?!?

Been doing an awful lot of reading lately. Still trying to finish McLaren's A Generous Orthodoxy. It's a very good book that raises a lot of valid points about the church today. That book is my goal in the next week. Finish it and start with McManus The Barbarian Way and Miller's Seeking God Knows What.

We had over 100 in attendance 2 weeks ago. That's great. Ordained 3 elders. Even better. Setting up ministry teams. Great. Seeing a whole lot of momentum. Hoping that we can follow God's lead and really begin to reach out to our community.

Susan is feeling as well as can be expected of a 38 week pregnant woman. We are very anxious for this new one's arrival. My mom has been here this week helping us get ready around the house for his coming. Lots of laundry has been done as well as sorting and organizing of Isaac and Riley's clothes. We are feeling more prepared than we were at this point last week. Mom has been a great help to us.

Isaac continues to do well in school. He had a 2nd grade teacher make a comment the other night at a school reading program that she would love to request Isaac for her class next year. That makes us as parents feel very good.

Riley is 4 and showing it. He continues to mature and grow. He understands more and more games and that makes life fun. Except that his attention span is quite short. LOL.

Both boys are excited as well about the baby. They both will venture into the nursery and look around or sit down and play games in there. It's really neat to see them acting that way, already expressing love to their new little brother (we still think).

Anyway, as I continue to read some of these books, don't be surprised if I seek your input on certain topics. I value your input and sometimes even your criticism.



Blogger Ron Henzel said...

(Whew!) I thought I was the world's worst blogger!

11:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are going well! I hope that baby G3 brings joy into your lives, I am sure he will. I am very happy for you all!

Things are good here, Drew and I are looking towards moving to Columbus for a possible youth ministry postion he may have found. Who would have thought that I Denise, would be a youth miniter's wife? Weird!

Be in prayer for that!

6:11 PM


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