Just checkin' in
Hey everyone! Just thought I would fill you all in on things that have happened since Christmas. We had the opportunity to go to Roanoke, VA, to visit with my parents and brother for a few days. It was a very quick trip, but the boys definitely enjoyed it. They really enjoyed swimming in the pool while I relaxed a little in the hot tub.
A family that we met just last week watched Sandi-dog for us. She was very glad to get back home last night though. At least we hope she was.
We are excited about the opportunities that this new year will bring to us as a family and as a church. It looks like we will be having a Prayer Retreat the last Saturday of January. I'm eager to build some momentum, especially after we move into this new facility around the 16th of January.
The boys really enjoyed Christmas and all the gifts that they received. Isaac likes his Spider-man Web-Blaster and GameBoy games. Riley really likes his Thomas trains still. Susan is enjoying the canopener I got her for Christmas. No kidding! That's really what I got her. Of course, I also got her tickets to the upcoming Mercy Me/Jeremy Camp concert in April. I really like the burnt orange shirt and tie combo that Susan got me as well.
Overall, life is good. We would like to see some more snow though. We saw some on Sunday night, but nothing really came about from it.
Maybe it's just me, but does this post seem to be kinda sporadic in it's thoughts? Anyway, happy new year to all our friends and family both near and far. Mostly far though since we don't have any family very near.