Finally another Post
Greetings everyone!!! Life in Delaware is snowy right now. We're expecting around 6-12 inches today and tonight. The joy of a nor'easter I guess.
We had a great week last week in Tennessee at JBC. We really enjoyed getting to see my family. We also enjoyed getting together with our Beckley "kids". I was really starting to feel old. One of them completes her Masters in May and one of them just had a child. And then one who was in Middle School when we left is a sophomore considering marriage. WOW!! We had a great week.
We came home to snow and are looking for more today. What fun that will be! Had almost 100 in church yesterday! Good to see everyone again. Lots of potential. We are dropping Sunday School temporarily in a couple of weeks to focus on outreach. We will be focusing on a jr church program. Keep us in your prayers as we start this push before Resurrection Sunday!!
Drop us a line to keep in touch. We love to hear from friends and family!! Good to hear from Denise Deerwester from Warsaw this week.