Monday, February 28, 2005

Finally another Post

Greetings everyone!!! Life in Delaware is snowy right now. We're expecting around 6-12 inches today and tonight. The joy of a nor'easter I guess.

We had a great week last week in Tennessee at JBC. We really enjoyed getting to see my family. We also enjoyed getting together with our Beckley "kids". I was really starting to feel old. One of them completes her Masters in May and one of them just had a child. And then one who was in Middle School when we left is a sophomore considering marriage. WOW!! We had a great week.

We came home to snow and are looking for more today. What fun that will be! Had almost 100 in church yesterday! Good to see everyone again. Lots of potential. We are dropping Sunday School temporarily in a couple of weeks to focus on outreach. We will be focusing on a jr church program. Keep us in your prayers as we start this push before Resurrection Sunday!!

Drop us a line to keep in touch. We love to hear from friends and family!! Good to hear from Denise Deerwester from Warsaw this week.


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Hump Day!!!

I don't know if you've ever referred to Wednesday that way before. It's a term we used at church camp when the week was half-over. I suppose the same could be said of this week. I look forward with great anticipation this week being over. Mainly because we have all been sick. I've also been pulling some double duty on sermon preparation this week. Since we will be in Tennessee all next week, I needed to get this weeks and next week's sermons finished. Working on next week's and should be done in the next day or so.

We are starting to feel a little better. Isaac has been at school the past two days, but Riley has not been sleeping well. So Mom and Dad have not been sleeping well, especially Susan. I missed my Wed. morning Bible study because of this stuff. We just hope its gone before we leave on Sunday.

Don't know what else to say. Looking at somep possible changes at church. We want to be effective and efficient in reaching out to the lost. With our financial and human resources. That may mean temporarily suspending Sunday School. We just want to be more in step with our mission to love and save the world through Jesus Christ.

Hope everyone is having a great week!!

Hump Day!!!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Almost Forgot!!

Definitely want to give a happy birthday shout out to our friend, Ashley Justice. Happy 19th!!


Well, it's official. Everyone in the Grasham house is sick. Isaac got it all started by coughing on Friday morning. It progressed through the weekend, and now all of us have at least a runny nose. (sniffling as I type now.) Oh well. It happens.

Susan's parents left this morning. Probably didn't want to get sick too. They'll be sick by the time they get home most likely. We had a good visit with them. After being so close to them for 6 years, it's a bit difficult to only get to see them occasionally. The boys were sad to see them go. Next week they get to see my parents at JBC.

Even as typing this, allergy medicine is kicking in and I'm getting drowsy. Stocked up on Nyquil last night. Generic version of course. Gave Isaac some Children's Nyquil (real stuff) last night and he slept like a log. Too bad Riley didn't.

Watching the qualifying for the Daytona 500 made me miss our friends the McDonalds from Warsaw. Too bad Jr. only qualified in the low 30's, eh Scott?

Gotta go and zone out for a bit!! Later.

Saturday, February 12, 2005


Ok. So I thought I was doing so well by posting in back to back days earlier in the week. Little did I know that I would not post again until Saturday. Oh well.

I'm still having a hard time getting used to posting. Things like: What am I supposed to post? My life isn't that exciting right now. Won't people get tired of reading the same type of stuff everyday? Of course, there are only a handful, I think, that actually read this. But anyway. I'm still getting used to it.

Susan's parents are here for a visit. They came in Wednesday. Thursday afternoon we went up to Hershey, PA, to the Chocolate Factory. Gary Boschain would love it. We also drove around the Amish country of Lancaster County, PA. Yesterday we went to Chuck E. Cheese's to celebrate Isaac completing a lot of worksheets to help him in school. It was fun, but 3 hours is a long time in a place like that.

We will be surrounded by friends a family a lot for the rest of this month. I'm not sure when Dick and Sandy are leaving, but we leave next Sunday to go to Homecoming at JBC. We will be stopping at Beckley to visit with the McGhee family and then going to JBC to see my family and all of our friends, i.e. the Boschains (Gary, Renee, Jacob, and Sherri), the Coxs, Sam and Gina, etc. Should be a fun week!

I learned the meaning of a new word last weekend while playing a game of Beyond Balderdash. For my friends in youth ministry, you will love it. The word is flart. It means to bother or annoy. I have told my children a couple of times this week that they are flarting me too much. Anyway, hope you enjoy that one.

Until later.

Monday, February 07, 2005

So Unfortunate

Well, the city of Philadelphia and the surrounding area, including Delaware, is in a state of depression. After last night's 24-21 loss to the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl, we heard a car drive through the neighborhood honking. No doubt honking at our neighbor's house. He happens to be an Eagles season ticket holder.

It was odd last night watching the game alone at home with the family. For the past 8 years, we have spent Super Bowl Sunday with groups of teenagers. We decided to stay home because if the Eagles won, the drunks would be out in full force. However, since the Eagles lost, the drunks were probably out in full force too.

We did get a phone call from Stan Osborn in Warsaw. He had a house full of teenagers in our absence. It was good to visit with Stan for a little bit. I also got a chance to talk to some of the teens. Just in case they check the website: Brittnee, Justin, Amber, Jeremy, Leah and Mallory.

Church went well yesterday. We had a few more visitors. An ad was placed in the Middletown newspaper that we hope will generate more interest. We are also seeking out new ways to reach out to the immediate surrounding neighborhood of Brennan Estates, some 1400 families.

Friday, February 04, 2005

On the Hunt!

Ok so maybe the title of today's post is a little misleading. Over the past few days, Susan and I have been spending a great deal of time looking at houses. The internet is a great thing. We have looked at hundreds of houses this week. We are quite torn as to where we should move to. All I can say is that we desperately need your prayers in this matter. I have sought the advice of a couple of ministers that I respect who own their homes. I guess what we decided today was just to kind of stay put where we are, save some money and wait for God to put the right house in the right place in our lap at the right time.

Tonight we do Chinese with the Brennans and Stilwells down in Dover. Then back to the Brennans for some games, hopefully some great foosball action. I'm sure the conversation will also include the Eagles at some point. Oh well. Let's just play the game already!!!

I always enjoy looking up my buddy Stevan's website. ( He's got some pictures up of the drive that I would take every day to church in Warsaw. Looks like some of the trees are coming down and some homes are going up. Ah, progress.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend. More to tell later!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

February already!

It's really hard to believe that February is here. Time just keeps flying by for us. Hoping to do some looking around at homes in lower Delaware this afternoon and visit with a couple of families this evening. Should be good!

Been doing a lot of reading this week already. Also trying to stay active with the boys. It's very easy for me to shut myself in my office at the house and block out the boys. Isaac and Riley are best friends who love to fight with each other.

We are enjoying the webcam that we bought. It's nice to be able to get online and let people see the boys as they are growing. Susan's parents have a cam as well so we talk on the phone and watch each other too. It's like a face to face conversation with a 10 second delay. If you have Yahoo! Messenger, you can look us up at Maybe we'll be online and can chat or even catch a glimpse of the boys as they run through the house on an endless supply of energy.

Everybody around here is nuts about the Eagles being in the Super Bowl this weekend. I definitely don't want the Patriots to win being a Colts fan, but I don't think we would ever hear the end of it if the Eagles win. Oh well. We'll watch the game and just hope it's not a blowout and no 'wardrobe malfunctions' take place with Paul McCartney at halftime.

Have a good day everybody!!