Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I guess that it's time for me to post an update. It's been raining a lot here lately. The forecast looks like it's going to be raining for a while too. Gives real meaning to the phrase "when it rains it pours". Happens a lot in life too, doesn't it? Seems like when things are going bad for you, it keeps getting worse. I'm learning a lot lately though. I've been learning that the rain is not always a bad thing. Rain is necessary for the ground, for our eco-system, if you will. It prepares the ground to produce life. Same thing with us, right? We can't stand the rain in our lives, but in the end rain produces life. Even after a flood and everything has been devastated, life begins to grow again and flourish.

Things are going well here. It's continues to be busy, but I'm finding more and more time to read and study. The book I'm reading now is great for individuals in both the church and business world, The 7 Practices of Effective Ministry, by Andy Stanley and friends from North Point Church. Very good and practical stuff that makes sense once you read it. Just hard to implement at times, especially in a church setting.

The boys are doing well. T-Ball is a blast. School will be over soon. Had a meeting yesterday with a group of teachers who said that Isaac is a really smart kid. Like we, his parents, didn't already know that. But it was good to hear from "professionals".

Hope all is well with everyone. Or anyone. Don't know if anybody is reading this at all or if it is simply an outlet for me to write down my latest thoughts. If you're reading, maybe post a comment so that I know you're there.


Friday, May 20, 2005


So it's been a long time since I posted. But a lot has happened since then. I, along with 6 other men from the church drove to Louisville, KY, for the Southeast Christian Church Leadership Conference. Really good event for this group of leaders to attend.

Dad and Mom arrived last Friday and just left this afternoon. We had a really good time with them here. Isaac and Riley were sad to see them leave. They enjoyed getting to see the boys and getting to know some more about where we are. I took Dad to Valley Forge, PA, on Wednesday. Had a great time looking over some Revolutionary War history. Also good just to visit.

Susan left on Wednesday morning and returns tonight from a Women's Ministry convention in Nashville, TN. She has really enjoyed it, but is eager to get home.

Now to the topic at hand: dirt. Kids love dirt. Kicking it, laying in it, throwing it, even just touching it. Isaac has a fascination at Little League with the dirt. He plays extremely well when he focuses, but most of his time is spent bent over playing in the dirt. His coaches asked if we had any dirt at our house. Isaac said no, so the coach told him to pick some up from the field, put it in his pocket and take it home with him. He's really enjoying baseball. We're glad we found something like this for him.

Anyway, that's what's been going on. Send us a line. Leave a comment. Whatever. Hope everyone's doing good.


Monday, May 09, 2005

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!! Oh wait. That was yesterday!! Oh well...Happy Mother's Day anyway Mom. Just kidding. Talked with her last night.

Had a good day yesterday at church. Took Susan out to lunch yesterday. Had a nice nap in the afternoon. Woke up and took communion to a lady in the hospital with Isaac. Played outside for a while with the boys enjoying a gorgeous afternoon. Watched America's Funniest Home Videos with Isaac last night (his favorite). Overall, a very good day.

Will have a busy week this week. Working hard on my sermon today and tomorrow. Leave the house at 3:30am Wednesday to go to Louisville, KY for the Southeast Christian Church Leadership Conference. Dad and Mom fly into Philly early Friday afternoon. I arrive back from Louisville early Saturday morning after traveling through the night. So forgive me for a lack of posts this week. Like it's anything you're not used to already.

Just wanted to check in with you all and say howdy. Life is good.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Time to catch up

So's been a few days since I've posted anything of consequence. Hope to catch you all up today on as much as possible.

Another good day at church on Sunday. Preached on Communion and the important role that it plays in our service every week. Sunday afternoon was pretty relaxing watching cars pile up at Talledega Speedway. Don't think my neighbors really cared for the person who won the race though. Neither did Scott McDonald I bet.

Monday we continued our process in securing the house in Middletown, convinced that God will make a way for us to be there.

Tuesday had lunch with an Episcopalian priest and a teaching pastor from a Community Church. Good times. Great guys. Looking forward to getting together monthly with them.

Today almost missed Bible study this morning. It completely escaped my mind for some reason. But I made it. Late, but still early because the guy leading was late too.

Developed an allergic reaction, I think, to something of which I don't know what. Got a slight rash around my eyes. Quite bothersome and I'm sure you didn't want to know all that.

Excited about starting a new series of sermons on the names of God. This week...El Roi (EL raw-EE), the God who sees me. Thought it would be good for Mother's Day since Mom's see everything.

Got a comment on the blog from Phillip Deerwester, from Warsaw attending Penn in Philly. Looking forward to talking to him some more.

Excited about our family and friend visitors this month in Delaware. Dad and Mom will be here next Friday for a week and then the Justices and Osborns, hopefully, around Memorial Day.

So that pretty well catches you up on a lot that's going on. Of course, I have left out the days of utter frustration and panic, but those can be too depressing. Just kidding...


Sunday, May 01, 2005

Not much to say...

Hi everyone. I again apologize for the gap in posting dates. However, I don't know that I have much to say. But I figured I better post before the "Blog Monitor" got on my case.

We are highly stressed right now with the house and such. Keep praying for us. We desperately need them right now.

Will hopefully post more later this week.