I guess that it's time for me to post an update. It's been raining a lot here lately. The forecast looks like it's going to be raining for a while too. Gives real meaning to the phrase "when it rains it pours". Happens a lot in life too, doesn't it? Seems like when things are going bad for you, it keeps getting worse. I'm learning a lot lately though. I've been learning that the rain is not always a bad thing. Rain is necessary for the ground, for our eco-system, if you will. It prepares the ground to produce life. Same thing with us, right? We can't stand the rain in our lives, but in the end rain produces life. Even after a flood and everything has been devastated, life begins to grow again and flourish.
Things are going well here. It's continues to be busy, but I'm finding more and more time to read and study. The book I'm reading now is great for individuals in both the church and business world, The 7 Practices of Effective Ministry, by Andy Stanley and friends from North Point Church. Very good and practical stuff that makes sense once you read it. Just hard to implement at times, especially in a church setting.
The boys are doing well. T-Ball is a blast. School will be over soon. Had a meeting yesterday with a group of teachers who said that Isaac is a really smart kid. Like we, his parents, didn't already know that. But it was good to hear from "professionals".
Hope all is well with everyone. Or anyone. Don't know if anybody is reading this at all or if it is simply an outlet for me to write down my latest thoughts. If you're reading, maybe post a comment so that I know you're there.