Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hooray for DSL!!!

This morning on my way home from a trip up to Newark I called Verizon to check on our DSL order. Of course, I've done this every day for the past week and received the same response. It would be activated August 11. I kept calling because I naturally assumed that it would be delayed like it was when we moved to Newark in the fall. But this morning I received a pleasant surprise. "Good news! Your Verizon DSL was activated on August 10." If I wasn't in the car, I would have jumped up and down with joy.

Oh how nice to have hi-speed and wireless service. For those of you still stuck in dial-up, I apologize for what may seem to be an arrogant attitude right now. But after living with hi-speed for 8 months...a week and a half of dial-up was enough to drive me crazy.

Good times last night with Kevin and Wendy Henke. Went to Newark and ate at Bertucci's. Great Chicken Anna Maria. Mmmmmm. Then of course the usual shopping afterward. Picked up a 4-port USB hub at Staples. Very nice.

Susan's mom leaves tomorrow to return to Indiana. It's been very good to have her here. We've done a lot of work on the house. A lot of painting the past two days. A lot of boxes have been emptied and taken to recycling bins. It's nice to not have to hold on to boxes so we can move again.....cuz we're not for a while...a good long while.

Hope all is well for you all. Leave a comment if you like.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations on everything! You should email me with your new address and phone number. My new email is

Love you guys!

Brian, Nicole, Kait, and Jason

9:18 AM


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