Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My most sincere apologies!

I owe everyone (or maybe just the one) who reads this blog an apology. I have neglected my responsibility as a web blogger to update my site. Are you happy, Ashley?

No seriously, I have no legitimate reason for not posting. There has been much to talk about. I just haven't posted any of it.

We are doing well. As I type this post, Susan and the boys are visiting with her parents in Colfax, IN. Isaac will celebrate his 6th birthday tomorrow. Both boys got to ride on a tractor today with Papaw, something they will miss the longer we are out here. I miss them all very much, and am eager for them to return home this weekend.

I have been busy this week though. Monday I spent all day in Baltimore for a surgery. I must say that Johns Hopkins is, by far, the coolest hospital I've ever been in. And I've been in a lot. Top-notch. Rated #1 hospital in America. Mr. Reed is recovering nicely from his liver surgery and could be home on Friday. Did you know that if 60% of the liver is removed it will regenerate and grow back? Very cool.

Church is going well. We are now having repeat visitors. 4 families have become regular attenders the past few weeks. We are so excited about growth possibilities now. We had 95 on Easter morning, but some regulars weren't present. I was told that if everyone was there we would have had between 105-110. It's real exciting to see God working.

On the house front, we are still searching. I will be going with our realtor tomorrow to look at a Maryland. Doesn't that sound crazy? It's actually just across the border from Delaware in a small rural town called Cecilton. It looks nice, but I have questions about taxes, schools, licenses, etc. All that good stuff. It would be so weird to live in 3 different states in 6 months and not be in the military.

Keep praying for us. We definitely appreciate it.


Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Today I (Tim) went to spend the morning at Isaac's kindergarten class. He has been the "star" for the past five days. Today was special person day. Since Susan usually goes in every Tuesday, I decided to spend the morning as Isaac's special person. I had a blast. I can see, though, why Susan often comes home with a headache on Tuesday mornings. I got to help Isaac with his work so that he didn't have bring it home to finish it. I also got to help with a "science" experiment. It dealt with the thickness and strength of wood.

We sent out the welcome letters to visitors and people just moving in to Brennan Estates. I am eager to see what type of response we get to that.

I practiced the songs for Sunday a little bit on my guitar earlier this afternoon. WOW!! I know most of the songs, but probably not in the key they play them. Could be a very long week! Makes me wish I was just preaching instead!!


Monday, March 07, 2005

3 Visiting Families

Yesterday was a great day at church for Northeast. We had three visiting families, two of which were from the Brennan Estates neighborhood. That was great. I am sending out letters today to thank them for attending and also inviting them back with information about our children's church program to be started on March 20th. Very exciting.

We are doing well. We miss Indiana quite a bit, friends and family. But God has a great plan for us here. After yesterday, we are all quite excited to see what God is doing to do.

Please pray for me this week. Our lead guitarist is going out of town this weekend. I, by default, am now the lead guitarist for the weekend. I really don't want to mess up. So much practice this week. Fortunately, I don't preach this weekend. C. Wayne Murphy from the Polish Christian Mission will be preaching this Sunday. So now I can focus on my songs.

Hope all is well with everyone. Send us a note or give us a call. We'd love to hear from you!


Saturday, March 05, 2005

Another Fun Day

Well today was week three of the YMCA Basketball experience for Isaac. He is doing much better. He played good defense today and make a really good pass too. Hopefully, we'll be able to work on his shooting sometime tomorrow with the nice weather.

Tomorrow should be interesting at church. In preparation for the new format, no Sunday School, we called the school administrative offices to change the times. Our times are now changing effective this week. Now we cannot be in the school building until 9am. Whereas we had been getting in at 8am previously. Probably no Sunday School tomorrow then either.

We are working on a visitors packet to help connect people. We also formulated a letter to send to families just moving into Brennan Estates, where the school is located. Hopefully we will have some success in reaching some of those families in the area.

Hope all is well with everyone!


Friday, March 04, 2005


Amazing is a word that I would use today to describe many things.

First, I have an amazing wife. Her perseverance in finishing her degree is an example. Her knowledge of Scripture is tremendous. Her love for me and our children is unconditional. Amazing!

Second, we have amazing children. In their own ways, our boys continue to amaze me. Sometimes that's a great thing and sometimes I'm amazed in a not-so-great way. At any rate, they are wonderful, fun, hilarious, and (usually) a joy to be around.

Third, God's call is amazing! My buddy Stevan Sheets summarized a message by Erwin McManus, I think, that said God calls each of us. Too often we make the distinction between the call to be a Christian and the call into ministry or missions. But they are one and the same. We when accept the call to follow Christ, it is accepting the call to enter into our own ministry or mission.

Finally, the price of housing around here is extremely amazing!! We are finding that we are definitely not making enough on one salary to buy a decent townhouse, let alone a house with a yard. Keep us in your prayers. We feel strongly that this is where God wants us to be. We also know that as the church grows, my salary will increase. However, in the meantime, it is sometimes a struggle to make everything add up. (If you know what I mean.)

What an amazing God we serve! What an amazing life He has called us to lead!! May sound cheesy, but I'm reminded of the old hymn: Trust and Obey!! That's what He wants us to do!!
