My most sincere apologies!
I owe everyone (or maybe just the one) who reads this blog an apology. I have neglected my responsibility as a web blogger to update my site. Are you happy, Ashley?
No seriously, I have no legitimate reason for not posting. There has been much to talk about. I just haven't posted any of it.
We are doing well. As I type this post, Susan and the boys are visiting with her parents in Colfax, IN. Isaac will celebrate his 6th birthday tomorrow. Both boys got to ride on a tractor today with Papaw, something they will miss the longer we are out here. I miss them all very much, and am eager for them to return home this weekend.
I have been busy this week though. Monday I spent all day in Baltimore for a surgery. I must say that Johns Hopkins is, by far, the coolest hospital I've ever been in. And I've been in a lot. Top-notch. Rated #1 hospital in America. Mr. Reed is recovering nicely from his liver surgery and could be home on Friday. Did you know that if 60% of the liver is removed it will regenerate and grow back? Very cool.
Church is going well. We are now having repeat visitors. 4 families have become regular attenders the past few weeks. We are so excited about growth possibilities now. We had 95 on Easter morning, but some regulars weren't present. I was told that if everyone was there we would have had between 105-110. It's real exciting to see God working.
On the house front, we are still searching. I will be going with our realtor tomorrow to look at a Maryland. Doesn't that sound crazy? It's actually just across the border from Delaware in a small rural town called Cecilton. It looks nice, but I have questions about taxes, schools, licenses, etc. All that good stuff. It would be so weird to live in 3 different states in 6 months and not be in the military.
Keep praying for us. We definitely appreciate it.